About this page

On this page you can see recommendations of your business. It is key to successful promotion on HelloEcho, that you get good and many recommendations by promoters.

Pro tips!
What does “Promotion disabled” mean?
If you have a recommendation with “Promotion disabled” you can enable the promotion by raising the commission or discount offered on the “Promotions settings” page. The commission shown on this page is the total commission required for both promoter and HelloEcho. If the promoter requires 80 and HelloEcho takes 20 then commission required will be shown here as 100.

What do the tags “Public” & “Private” mean?
A “public” recommendation is being displayed normally and is not hidden as opposed to a “private” recommendation. “Private” recommendations can not be found through searches, and only if you have the direct link.

What do the tags “Active” & “Inactive” mean?
An “active” recommendation is being displayed normally and is not hidden as opposed to an “inactive” recommendation. “Inactive” recommendations can’t be seen anywhere on HelloEcho.